Sunday 20 August 2017

Get rid of allergies with Loratadine Impurities

Loratadine impurities are generally prescribed to briefly alleviate symptoms of allergies and hay fever. The symptoms which are improved with Loratadine are runny nose, sneezing and itching in eyes, nose or throat. The medication also helps in reducing itchiness and redness which arise due to hives. Loratadine impurities do not treat or prevent allergies or hives but provides temporary relief. It comes under the class of medicines called antihistamines and blocks the reactions of histamine, which crops up allergies in the body. The medication is also offered in combination with pseudoephedrine and you must take it under the guidance of your doctor or pharmacist. The medicine Loratadine is available in tablet, liquid syrup or disintegrating tablet form and is usually prescribed to be taken once a day. It must be taken as directed by the physician and take the prescribed quantity only.
Overdose of the medication causes drowsiness to so take as much quantity as prescribed.  If your hives are of different type like bruised, blistered, or of a different color, then you must not take the medicine without doctor’s advice. If you have hives and it does not improve in the first three days of starting treatment, then you should visit the doctor and stop taking loratadine. In case you are treating hives with this medication and following symptoms crop up, then you must go to emergency right away. These symptoms are: difficulty in speaking, swallowing, breathing; wheezing; dizziness; drooling; swelling in the mouth or on the tongue or unconsciousness. These symptoms may be life threatening from anaphylaxis so get emergency help immediately. 
There are several precautions to be taken before starting the medicine and the first one is to inform the doctor or pharmacist about any medication allergies to loratadine or other medicines. Inform them about other medicines which you are taking like vitamins, supplements or other prescribed medicines, especially cold and allergies. In case you are suffering from asthma, liver disease or kidney problems, you must tell the doctor and he must know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it may be harmful for the baby. Loratadine in disintegrated form contains aspartame, which should be avoided by patients suffering from Phenylketonuria. The dietary intake is normal during the medicine and if you miss the dose then continue with the next dose, do not take a double dose.
There are several side effects caused by loratadine, which may or may not be severe so inform your doctor about them. These side effects mainly are: dry mouth, headache, sore throat, nose bleeding, nervousness, weakness, stomachache, mouth sores, diarrhea, reddish or itchy eyes. However, some people can face serious side effects like: hives, rashes, itching, swelling, hoarseness, wheezing or difficulty in swallowing or breathing. In these cases stop taking the medication and contact the doctor immediately. If the medicine has been overdosed then rush the patient to the hospital instantaneously for poison treatment. Overdosed patient may experience drowsiness, headache, fast heartbeat or uncommon body movements. Whenever you visit the doctor make sure to keep a list of all the drugs and medicines which you are taking. Loratadine is sold under brand names Agistam, Claritin, Alavert, Clear-Atadine, Dimetapp ND, Tavist and Wal-itin.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Learn all about Azithromycin impurities medicine

Azithromycin impurities is a medicine which can treat several infections of bacteria like pneumonia, bronchitis, STD, sinus, skin, throat, ears, lungs or reproductive organs. The medicine also treats infections like MAC or Mycobacterium avium complex and is a type of macrolide antibiotic which prevents the growth of bacteria. Available in tablet form, liquid suspension or long acting suspension, it can be taken for five days once a day. You can take the medicine as prescribed by the physician in any form. In case you feel nausea one hour after the medicine, then you must contact the doctor immediately and follow his instructions. The medicine starts fighting infections within a few days of treatment and in case you feel severe side effects you must stop taking the medicine with the advice from the doctor.
The medicine is occasionally used in the treatment of H. Pylori infections, gastrointestinal infections, pertussis, travelers’ diarrhea or babesiosis. In case you are allergic to azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin, or dirithromycin, then you must inform your doctor or chemist. It is also important to inform the doctor or pharmacist about other medications you are taking and if you are allergic to some other medicines. The medicine should not be taken if you have had jaundice or liver problems. The medicines are also avoided if you are pregnant or have kidney problems, liver disease, HIV infection, cystic fibrosis, blood infection, QT interval or irregular heartbeat.
Diet while taking the medicine is usually normal unless a doctor prescribes any particular diet and it is crucial to take the dose regularly. You may experience symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, stomach ache which are very common. However, if you experience irregular heartbeat, dizziness, rashes, fainting, hives, itching, swelling, mouth sores or severe diarrhea then you must stop taking the medicine immediately.
It is crucial to keep the medicine tightly closed in the container and should be stored at room temperature, away from heat and moisture. Do not take an overdose of the medicine and azithromycin impurities can result in severe side effects in many cases so it is crucial to consult doctor before starting. If the infection persists after you have taken prescribed dosage, then you must ask your doctor for continuing further and never continue the medicine without asking.

Several medicines, if taken with azithromycin can react so doctor must know about your previous medications before he prescribes this medicine.  Do not skip the dose or take extra medicine as overdose or under-dose of a certain medicine is not good for health. Antacids must be taken at a gap of 2 hours with azithromycin. This medicine is unsuitable for children under 6 months of age and breastfeeding mothers should also avoid it. Azithromycin impurities do not cure viral infections like cold or flu. In case of overdose of infection you must call the emergency or poison help. Acidity medicines taken with azithromycin can result in late absorption or lessened effectiveness. While taking this antibiotic you must stay away from sunlight or tanning as you will get sunburns easily. The medicine is sold under several brand names like Zithromax, Zithromax Z-packs or Zmax, so follow complete instructions and take the medicine timely to cure your infections. 

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Quetiapine impurities-Complete information about the medicine

Quetiapine impurities is a medication used in the treatment of schizophrenia, which is a mental ailment which instigates distressed and abnormal thinking, strong or unstable emotions and the individual loses interest in life. It is available in tablet form and extended release tablet form and they can be used solely or teamed up with other medications for treatment of Mania or depression with bipolar disorder. The patients with irritated mood or abnormal excitement and individuals with manic episodes or depression episodes can get benefit from this tablet. Quetiapine is used along with other medicines to prevent episodes of depression and mania in individuals with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia in teenagers or children. Quetiapine impurities are classified under atypical antipsychotics and functions to modify the activities of natural constituents inside the brain of an individual.
The quantity of the medicine must be taken as prescribed and not less or more as it can harm your body. Initially, patients are given low dose of the medicine which increases gradually after the first week and all the queries must be put before the doctor regarding intake of the medicine to avoid any problems. Suddenly stopping the medicine may result in vomits, nausea or insomnia so you must decrease your dosage gradually with guidance from the doctor.
In case you are allergic to any medicines, especially quetiapine then you must inform your doctor before taking it. You must also tell the doctor about your other medications like vitamins, supplements or other products which you are already taking.  There are certain medicines which, when combined with quetiapine can react and lead to side effects. You also need to inform the doctor about any diabetic history or QT interval problem in your family. Other problems like seizures, nausea, diarrhea, dehydration or cataracts must also be told to the doctor before starting the medicine. In case you have heart problems, breast cancer or you are pregnant or breastfeeding, the doctor must know about it.
Quetiapine  pills can make you drowsy so you must take precautions when taking this medicine. Alcohol must be avoided with this as it can add to the drowsiness. You can experience increased blood sugar levels as a side effects, so if you experience frequent urination, extreme hunger or thirst, weakness or blurred vision, then you should contact a doctor immediately. Quetiapine does not let your body cool down easily in summers so you must avoid too much exercise and stay indoors away from the sun during hot weather. Other side-effects you may experience are dizziness, fainting or lightheadedness while getting up so don’t get up abruptly. This medication can also result to high blood pressure in teenagers or children so it is crucial to keep a check on that. While taking the medicines, patients must eat plenty of grapefruit or drink the juice regularly. Tendency of gaining weight also increases with the medication so take a balanced meal in combination with exercise.
There are several side effects patients may face while taking quetiapine, like dizziness, weakness, pain in joints, ears, back or neck, drowsiness, vomiting, indigestion, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, high appetite, headache, irritation, pains, difficulty in speaking, thinking or concentrating, and several other problems, so if you feel any of these then contact the doctor. Some patients face serious side effects like seizures, fainting, fever, stiffness in muscles, non controllable movements in the legs, arms, face, lips etc. If these symptoms appear then you should immediately contact the physician. Do not take overdose of this medicine as there are several risks involved, so it is vital to follow doctor’s instructions while taking this medicine. The medicine is sold under the brand name Seroquel and Seroquel XR.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

The pharmaceutical industry is building the future of India

The pharma industry is a booming industry with sales and marketing executives working extensively for its widespread. However, a new model will now takeover with a major shift in pharmaceutical industry from mass market to target market methodology in order to augment profits. The future of the pharma industry seems to be very bright in India as it is the third largest pharma industry throughout the world. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is emerging as the best industry to invest in, thru the world and many multinational pharma companies are doing fairly well in India in comparison to other countries worldwide. The industry has low risks with augmented returns and great potential of growth due to which several investors are directed towards the industry.
The government of India has introduced privatization and globalization of the pharma industry which has augmented the growth and with great incentives for development and research in this sector, the industry is gaining new heights. The government also provided several financial policies to the companies in order to carry out research and development. Many other processes were also introduced which will make the future of pharma industry very optimistic. The future of Indian pharmaceutical industry foresees that our country will reach to top 3 positions in the global market by the year 2020 in terms of pharma with awesome growth. Even today, about 20% of generic medicines are exported thru the world from India and the industry has all the potential of growth with skilled workers, technical aptitude and low cost production. With the increase in the number of pharma companies, there is scope for more employment for the populace and thus the future is foreseen as very bright.
In the future the industry will require exhibiting to the patients that their brand is a premium one and will need to offer a complete package with health services and their products in order to get exceptional payments for their brand. The marketing and sales function will change drastically to get higher growth in the future and several changes are expected in the business settings, which will further influence the growth in the pharma sector. The business models which are presently functioning will however not be apt for the year 2020 and more innovation in collaboration is required to acquire desired growth in the sector. 
In the future the companies will require amplifying supply chain models for different products for different patients and utilize the chain to differentiate the market. Around 75 percent of renowned companies worldwide are Indian and the future of the companies is very bright. With the development of pharma companies, the economic growth of the country will also augment which will enhance the welfare of the people. With the availability of a large quantity of raw materials and skilled workers India is becoming a hub of manufacturing and research. Cost of manufacturing medicines is around 35-40 percent lower in India as compared to the USA due to low cost of installation and labor. With the introduction of GST in the market, pharma companies are expected to get a major boost as their tax structure is simplified. Major increase in exports and controlling of imports is also strengthening the sector along with several government policies to help in the production and research.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

US President Donald Trump made an announcement regarding nomination of Michael Dourson as the head of chemical and the pesticides office of the Environmental Protection Agency. Dourson has deep rooted links with the chemical business and he will be regulating the industry if he is confirmed as the head. He is a certified toxicologist who is well experienced in risk assessment and is a professor at the University Of Cincinnati College of medicine in the department of Risk science. Before joining the university, he worked in Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA) which was founded by him in 1995. Before 1995, Dourson held positions in EPA and he is a well-known name in the community of toxicology. He has also functioned in several toxicology journal boards and US government panels and has worked in numerous positions in the Society of Toxicology, Toxicology Education Foundation, and Society for Risk analysis and American Board of Toxicology.
The nomination of Dourson which however awaits confirmation was highly praised by American Chemistry Council, which is a trade group and they are influencing the Senate to confirm Dourson as the head. Nomination of Dourson has been announced during a crucial phase when EPA is implementing its Act of Toxic Substances Control. According to ACC, Dourson’s knowledge, leadership and experience will further intensify the process of assessment and integration of science in decision making.
However, several environmental groups are worried about Dourson being nominated due to his deep ties in the Chemical Industry and Tobacco Company. As claimed by Richard Denison, senior scientist of Environmental Defense fund, Dourson has been accepting work with major funding from chemical industries which is damaging public health protection with chemicals. He said that Dourson and TERA have carried out functions expansively for Texas Department of environmental quality to emasculate air pollution regulations by EPA. As per Denison, ACC also sent funds to Dourson while he was at TERA to build a web portal on chemical safety for children.
Michael Dourson is considered to be an alarming nominee by President Trump as he is the founder of a group which is helping industries to undercut chemical regulations by getting funds from chemical industries. TERA is taking funds from ACC to create misleading websites for kids and has been providing witnesses for Chemical Industries in courts to help these industries. Dourson has also worked in the tobacco industry to undermine the risks and TERA got funds from the tobacco industry to analyze and downplay the effects of indirect smoke. Dourson is also said to have given approval to perchlorate in drinking water by undercutting the regulations on rocket fuel chemical. In 2014 chemical spill in Elk River, TERA kept the health effects from spill hidden and let the people consume contaminated water. Dourson is thus considered to be scariest nominee who cares least about common people and more about his personal funds.
Trump’s decision of nominating Michael Dourson as head of chemicals office of the Environmental Protection Agency is not considered appropriate by many people, but the decision lies in the hands of the senate so all we can do is wait and watch.

Olympus Chemical & Fertilizers is professional impurity manufacturer and supplier of all Impurities Standards and there products. We provide you with wide variety of products of impurities.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

On June 30, 2017, the scenario of India had been changed. Everyone was just sitting in front of their television set to keep the track on GST. When the Goods and Service Tax (GST) was announced by PM Narendra Modi and President Pranab Mukherjee, there was a positive change in the chemical and fertilizer sectors.

India is ready to buckle up for a significant transformation in the infrastructure. GST is regarded as the ideal persuasive tax reform in India. This is the most significant step taken by the Government of India.

What do you mean by GST?

GST is designed to become a hardheaded alteration in the tax, which aimed to simplify the difficulty of the existing tax system. This in turn results in lowering down the production cost of goods and services. GST is defined as a tax that is accountable for input credit tax liability. The liability can be charged and assessed at each step of the transaction.
The buyer can easily sell the chemical after the first transaction. According to the existing tax system, the rate has to be added to the tax paid by customer. Whereas, in GST the second buyer can easily claims the input tax as a credit to the resale transaction tax.

Role of farmers

In our country, because of the farmers we are able to eat enough. They add up to the benefit of INR 1261 crores as per GST regime. According to the new law, the MRP will reduce to INR 5909/Ton when compared to existing laws.

Before GST

Food items like rice, sugar, wheat, salt. Flour and wheat are totally exempted from CENVAT. Cereals and grains are also taxed at the rate of 4% under VAT. There are lots of the licensing process and number of indirect taxes applied on agricultural products. There are certain exemptions present from state VAT for food products like eggs, fruits, vegetables and meat
How GST has an impact on the agriculture and chemical sector?

The GST is a vital step in order to improve the reliability, timeline and transparency of supply chain mechanism. This is ideal for ensuring the total reduction in wastage and overall cost for the farmers or chemical retailers. Additionally, it also helpful in reducing the price of heavy machinery meant for making agricultural and chemical products.

Thus, the overall application of GST looks positive, especially for agricultural and chemical industry. The tax has shown a tremendous rise in the production cost of vital chemicals, resulting in a price-hike of the end product. The latest introduced GST is trusted to become the unbarred progress of chemical and fertilizers industry.

Because of the increase in the inflation index, there is anticipated rise in the cost of agricultural and chemical products. Due to the GST implementation, there is going to be lots of benefits to farmers and chemical distributions. If we talk about the future, GST emerges out as a promising aspect and serves the industries with long term interest. The long sighted vision of PM Modi has increased the chances of economic growth.

Monday 12 June 2017

Can Losartan Make a Comeback?

Losartan is a drug which acts as an angiotensin II antagonist and is thus used to treat patients with high blood pressure levels. However, losartan is not found in the market by this name but, it is rather found in the market by a completely different name known as Cozaar. This drug is marketed by the Merek and Co. Inc. it is available in the market in generic form.
Uses of losartan
Losartan is used to treat hyper pressure since it has got angiotensin. This drug is also used in treating the cases of nephropathy and renal diseases. Though it cannot cure the renal disease but, it can slow down the advent of disease and thus helps the patient to buy some time to get the proper medical diagnosis and also to get the appropriate treatment from doctors. Although the calcium channel blockers are always considered to be the first hand treatment that the patient needs but, an angiotensin II antagonist is also preferred for the patients who are under the age of 55 and are not able to tolerate the ACE test and its necessary treatments. Scientific study has already proven the fact that losartan is much better than atenolol when it comes to the treatment of cardiovascular problems. Losartan reduces the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and thereby it helps in the reduction of blood pressure in the most effective and smooth manner. The time of action of this drug is also very fast and short and thus it can be certainly used during the time of an emergency.
Mechanism of action
Losartan is such a type of drug that due to its angiotensin II antagonism it reduces the peripheral resistance which is also known as the after load and the cardiac venous return which is also known as the preload. In this way this drug reduced the pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels and arteries and thus saves the patient from having a heart attack or stroke.  Losartan can even act a uricosuric. This drug helps in the blockage of the chemical uric from entering our blood and thus with the help of the kidney, the necessary amount of uric and its related compounds are excreted from our body in an effective manner.
Disadvantages of using Losartan
But as of 2014, the FDA had announced that losartan has got a fatal effect over the human body is used for a prolonged time and hence forth should not found in any kind of medicine shop or market. Its production had also been stopped. The most common side effects of this drug are dizziness, respiratory infections and immense amount of back pain. That’s why the scientists all over the world are now trying to find the best possible way in which they can synthesise the various impurities of losartan and thus, can also remove them. Hopefully, then it will be brought to the market again and then can be used by the patients without having any side effects and ill effects.