Thursday 17 August 2017

Learn all about Azithromycin impurities medicine

Azithromycin impurities is a medicine which can treat several infections of bacteria like pneumonia, bronchitis, STD, sinus, skin, throat, ears, lungs or reproductive organs. The medicine also treats infections like MAC or Mycobacterium avium complex and is a type of macrolide antibiotic which prevents the growth of bacteria. Available in tablet form, liquid suspension or long acting suspension, it can be taken for five days once a day. You can take the medicine as prescribed by the physician in any form. In case you feel nausea one hour after the medicine, then you must contact the doctor immediately and follow his instructions. The medicine starts fighting infections within a few days of treatment and in case you feel severe side effects you must stop taking the medicine with the advice from the doctor.
The medicine is occasionally used in the treatment of H. Pylori infections, gastrointestinal infections, pertussis, travelers’ diarrhea or babesiosis. In case you are allergic to azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin, or dirithromycin, then you must inform your doctor or chemist. It is also important to inform the doctor or pharmacist about other medications you are taking and if you are allergic to some other medicines. The medicine should not be taken if you have had jaundice or liver problems. The medicines are also avoided if you are pregnant or have kidney problems, liver disease, HIV infection, cystic fibrosis, blood infection, QT interval or irregular heartbeat.
Diet while taking the medicine is usually normal unless a doctor prescribes any particular diet and it is crucial to take the dose regularly. You may experience symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, stomach ache which are very common. However, if you experience irregular heartbeat, dizziness, rashes, fainting, hives, itching, swelling, mouth sores or severe diarrhea then you must stop taking the medicine immediately.
It is crucial to keep the medicine tightly closed in the container and should be stored at room temperature, away from heat and moisture. Do not take an overdose of the medicine and azithromycin impurities can result in severe side effects in many cases so it is crucial to consult doctor before starting. If the infection persists after you have taken prescribed dosage, then you must ask your doctor for continuing further and never continue the medicine without asking.

Several medicines, if taken with azithromycin can react so doctor must know about your previous medications before he prescribes this medicine.  Do not skip the dose or take extra medicine as overdose or under-dose of a certain medicine is not good for health. Antacids must be taken at a gap of 2 hours with azithromycin. This medicine is unsuitable for children under 6 months of age and breastfeeding mothers should also avoid it. Azithromycin impurities do not cure viral infections like cold or flu. In case of overdose of infection you must call the emergency or poison help. Acidity medicines taken with azithromycin can result in late absorption or lessened effectiveness. While taking this antibiotic you must stay away from sunlight or tanning as you will get sunburns easily. The medicine is sold under several brand names like Zithromax, Zithromax Z-packs or Zmax, so follow complete instructions and take the medicine timely to cure your infections. 

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